One man's struggle to come to terms with leaving Wigan.

onsdag, september 12

Crikey, it's been a long time. June 9th 2006 was the last time I posted here, so I thought I'd bring myself up to date a bit.

Wigan Express started as a blog about six years ago now, right when having a blog was quite a hip thing to do (I notice while I'm writing this that the word 'blog' isn't recognised by the Firefox British English spellchecker). But I gave up when blogging was the big thing. To be honest I don't think blogs can change the world, and I do think that people like the BBC slavishly making a point of linking to what some blogger is saying about the latest technology or whatever is cringeworthy - it's a bit like your Dad discussing the latest Slipknot album.

That's not to say that blogs don't have their place - it's great to read about what someone like Steve Jobs does all day (although the fact I have no idea whether Steve Jobs has a blog or not rather shows that I don't really think it's that great). But people who fancy themselves as journalists and think that blogs are the next big thing in journalism? Forget it. If you were a decent journalist you'd be writing for a decent journal and getting paid for it.

So what are blogs for? Well I don't know. But I can tell you what Wigan Express is for. It's for me to talk bollocks.


Anonymous Anonym said...

The latest Slipknot album?

Get with it Grandad; that was 2 years ago.



1:56 em

Anonymous Anonym said...

Bugger! Stretch beat me to it.

2:07 em

Anonymous Anonym said...

Yeah, even I've heard of Slipknot.

And albums? Oh dear....

Luv Big L

3:46 em


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