One man's struggle to come to terms with leaving Wigan.

onsdag, maj 19

I got this comment from a reader yesterday. At least it means there are some, I guess.

Here we go - the next Rough Guide to ________

It was an anonymous comment, naturally. Now I don't know why, but I have a funny feeling this person lives within a few km of their parents (or quite possibly with their parents or some surrogate mother of a girlfriend) in some godforsaken area of the UK. Which is fine, but it's not the life I've chosen - and I'm quite happy with my choice, thanks. There's a whole world out there - and I'd like to see as much of it as I can.


Anonymous Anonym said...

That's right, Justin, we're all as jealous as fuck with your marvellous whirlygig lifestyle.

Come on Samantha, pack yer bags, the natives are on to me...

12:02 em


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