One man's struggle to come to terms with leaving Wigan.

onsdag, september 12

So... what's been happening with me?

Well, I'm still in Paris, and still in the same job (which is a bit of a record for me). I've moved out to the 'burbs though and bought an apartment in a nice leafy suburb. It's good to be out of the city and away from the tramps, the trannies and the dogshit. We used to live in an area that was cosmopolitan to say the least - so it'll be good not to be woken up by people of some nationality or other celebrating their country's latest win in the football, the cricket or a small war every few nights, too.

My lovely daughter (who is seen below celebrating her third birthday) is now five and a half and just starting her thrid year at school. She's at an International school now which means she has three days a week in French and a day a week in English, which she loves. She was saying to me the other day that she wishes all her lessons were in English. It's a bit hard to explain to a five year old that they'll be very glad they can speak two languages one day. We did, however, have a bit more success telling her that she could learn another language when she's older. Thanks to Dora the Explorer, Spanish is the current favourite.

We've got another baby on the way, too. Imminiently, in fact. It's a little boy this time, and I'm currently never more than a metre away from my mobile phone in case he comes. Actually he'd better get the timing right: if he decides to arrive in the morning the traffic between our place and the hospital's so bad that I can imagine him being born in the underpass beneath La Défense on the back seat of a Ford Fiesta. Which isn't really the ideal start in life.