One man's struggle to come to terms with leaving Wigan.

tisdag, augusti 10

There are many, many reasons why I don't want ever to have to work in London. But here's one of the major ones.

I work in advertising.

People who work in this industry in London are a funny lot. For a start, they think they work in the CENTRE OF THE WORLD, and that anyone anywhere else is a hick. Apart from New York. They may be arrogant, but even they kowtow to our friends in the big apple.

I think one of the major problems is the awards. Instead of rewarding ads that do the business in their respective countries, they seems to reward agencies that produce work that could have come from London or New York. It may be pretty, but does it get people buying in Bangalore? If it dosn't, don't give it an award.


Blogger Nigel said...

I despise the advertising industry - the arrogant nonces who work in it and the work that's produced for no other reason than to garner awards from cronies. And I'm a copywriter...

6:28 em


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